Crime is a problem that plagues every city in the world.
In Dwarka, Delhi, the Crime is rising especially severe these days. There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, the population is very dense, which means there are more people living in close proximity, and this leads to more opportunities for crime.
Secondly, there is a high level of people in dwarka, and this leads to a higher incidence of crime as people try to find ways to make money by looting the upper middle class of Dwarka.
Finally, the police force is under-resourced, and this means that they are not able to respond quickly to crimes, and criminals are able to get away with more.
There are several types of crime that are particularly common in Dwarka.
The most common is theft, as people try to steal money or goods in order to survive. Other common crimes include robbery, assault, car looting.
The police force in Dwarka is under-resourced, and this leads to a number of problems.
Firstly, the police are not able to respond quickly to crimes, which means that criminals are able to get away with more.
Secondly, the police are not able to patrol the area effectively, which means that criminals are able to operate with impunity.
Finally, the police are not able to investigate crimes effectively, which means that many criminals are able to get away with their crimes.
There are a number of steps that can be taken to address the crime problem in Dwarka.
Firstly, the police force should be given more resources, so that they are able to respond quickly to crimes and patrol the area effectively.
Secondly, the government should invest in programmes that are aimed at reducing poverty nearby areas to dwarka, so that people have more opportunities to make money legally.